Mossflower Library Tour Addendum

There are two main shelves I wanted to include in the library tour that didn't make it into the original photo shoot. First, the writing reference shelf.

This is all of my books on writing craft (along with the dictionaries and a few books of church skits).

Gardner's The Art of Fiction is worthwhile.

Then, there's the bedroom shelf. I featured this shelf in my reading goals post at the start of the year but it's changed a bit since then, so let's revisit it. (There may be a few books here that were already shown in previous library posts, but that's because they migrated between pictures. There are also a few books that migrated from this shelf to the library between pictures, and thus are not shown at all. Poor neglected things.)

Books from giveaways, books from Christmas, and nonfiction.

Fantasy, lit fic, mystery, and ongoing series reads.

Currently in progress: The Mysterious Affair at Styles, The Fact of a Body, The Great Divorce (reread, part of the C.S. Lewis Essential Classics), Innocents Aboard (also a reread), and They Have not Seen the Stars (Ray Bradbury's collected poetry).

More lit fic and fantasy, including a couple ongoing series reads.

This is the complete Count of Monte Cristo. This is the treacherous edition I read in high school that did not tell me it was abridged. I got rid of it as soon as I realized this.

More books I wish to reed sooner than later. I may not finish this shelf before New Year's.


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