A Bookshelf Tour of the Mossflower Library (Part 2)

Welcome back to the Mossflower library tour. We left off in the tail-end of the Gs last time, which means this installment picks up with the Grimm brothers.

Lots of myth and folklore on this shelf.

Moving on from Beowulf (just kidding; we never move on from Beowulf), there's Tony Hillerman's Navajo mysteries. These books are infused with Southwestern Native American/Amerindian/First Nations culture, including folklore and religious beliefs. Also, Robin Hobb lurks at the end of the shelf.

This shelf seems to exemplify my reading habits: literary non-fic, sci-fi and fantasy, mystery, with a dash of poetry for good measure.

Robert Holdstock (Mythago Wood is a must-read!), Hosseini (still need to read this one), and lots of Bunnicula.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of books? The Vashta Nerada, that's who. Count the shadows.

From Howe to Hugo to Jacques.

Yes, that is a copy of Fractured Fairy Tales. Yes, the Rocky and Bullwinkle "Fractured Fairy Tales." Yes, Edward Everett Horton still narrates them in my head. No, I can't read them aloud in his voice (yet).

Behold the gloriousness of my (nearly) complete Redwall collection. (I'm not exactly eager to add all of the later books as I feel they petered off in quality after Taggerung/Lord Brocktree or so.)

Side note: Voyage of Slaves is signed because BJ came near enough to where we were living when it released for us to actually go see him and get his autograph.

The Bowers Files and a few random Js, including the wonderful Jim Henson biography.

Steven James is brilliant. Read him.

Diana Wynne Jones. Need I say more?

Shout out to my brother who got me a VW bus for Christmas one year. One day, maybe he'll get me a human-sized one.

The beginning of The Wheel of Time. (Technically, the first two books are missing because my brother is borrowing them. I'm sure I'll have them back before Samwise finishes elementary school.)

The mask on the spine of The Dragon Reborn is even creepier in the shadows.

The rest of the series, in two parts (ironically, my favorite books in the series are at the bottom of the left and the top of the right):

The end of the Js, some Stephen King, and the first Wheel of Time companion book.

Also, the time books in the middle are Alexander Key's Witch Mountain books.

Stephen King, Rudyard Kipling. Same difference, right?

Kidding. Kipling is better.

About half of my Dean Koontz collection. The other half is at my parents' because they were acquired during a period when Mom basically took home my McKay's purchases because she'll read them faster than I.
If you haven't read Mary Robinette Kowal's Shades of Milk and Honey, go out and do so. It's a wonderful spin on Austenian England with just a touch of magic.

Speaking of England + magic, Mercedes Lackey's Elemental Masters series is a fun place to go if you like fairy tales and history. Also, I own a lot of unread Stephen Lawhead books.

I do love that the children's book of Arthur rests next to Lawhead's Arthurian saga.

More Lawhead, along with To Kill a Mockingbird (❤), Ursula LeGuin, and Madeleine L'Engle.

This reminds me: I need to reread the Time Quartet.

A prime example of books I own because they were cheap at McKay's: the complete visual companions for the Lord of the Rings film trilogy:

My preciousss . . .

L'Engle and Lewis: not a bad combination. Also, I have a few wands.

From back to front: oak, elm, hawthorn, and cedar. I think the dogwood wand (my Pottermore wand) is buried.

More Lewis (because there is never enough Lewis on the shelves), along with Lois Lowry and George MacDonald.

The sword is one made by my grandfather. If he's good, Samwise may get to carry it when he's older.

Patricia McKillip and Robin McKinley (as if I don't mix them up enough, they're next to each other on the shelf!), along with Sarah, Plain and Tall and two books I really need to read: Birdwing (a sequel to "The Wild Swans"!) and The Wand in the Word (a book of interviews with some of my favorite fantasy writers).
Also, this shelf will probably be entirely McKillip and McKinley in a few years' time.

I Spy books, Moby-Dick, and an assortment of Ms.

I spy with my little eye . . . books that will consume many hours of searching.

The end of the Ms and the beginning of the Ns. Oh, look. Mirriam's here.

I really need to order a physical copy of Monster to place next to Paper Crowns.

That's all for today. Next time we'll finish the Ns and (maybe) get through the other half of the library. This might be a 4-part series. Any comments, questions, or reading suggestions? Let me know down below, on Facebook, or wherever you can find me.


  1. DIANA WYNNE JONES. She's such a fun author to read.

    I need to try the Wheel of Time series.

    Ooooh, they mentioned Shades of Milk and Honey on the podcast episode I was listening to this morning (I'm going through old episodes of the podcast). Austenian England + magic? NICE.

    I've read a few Lackey, but not those yet.

    Madeleine L'Engle and the Time Quartet, yesssss.

    Lewis, MacDonald, McKillip, McKinley = ALL FANTASTIC.

    1. I feel like Jones has made such a huge impression on me that I must have read all of her books a dozen times, but I've only read about half of the ones I own.

      Wheel of Time is not for the faint hearted. Be prepared for slow bits and lots of characters doing things we know they're smart enough not to. But when it's good, it's SO good. (I will gladly geek out with you about them when/if you ever read them.)

      I like the Elemental Masters better than Lackey's other fantasy. It may just be what books I've happened to pick up, but these are the only ones that don't either bore me or make me throw things.

      The Time Quartet is something I need to reread soonish. (Oh, where's the time for all the books that need to be read? There must be time leeches siphoning it off when we aren't looking.)


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