Monday Musings: Finishing the First Draft and What Comes Next

As of last night, the first draft of Albion Apparent is complete! The last month has been a rush of finishing chapters and interludes with a speed I haven't had most of the year. It's immensely satisfying to reach this stage with a book.

So what's next?

For me, I'm taking the next month or so to work on things other than Albion. The book is set to go to beta readers, after which I'll take their comments and use them to draft a better version of Albion Apparent. My hope is to spend October finally hammering out the last chapters of There's No Place Like Home? and maybe even finishing "Paper and (T)horns". I'm also planning to try Inktober, a month-long drawing challenge similar to NaNo but for drawing instead of writing.

This also means that this Saturday's snippets post will be the last for Albion Apparent. (I will still post snippets of what I'm working on in the interim.)

For you, my friends and readers, this means that we're one step closer to having Albion Apparent off my computer and into your hands. *insert happy dance here*

However, if you want more of Albion before Albion Apparent is released in its final form, there is hope! If you would like to read this first draft and provide feedback, send me your email. (Comments on the blog are moderated, so if you leave your email in a comment and don't want it made public, just say so and I'll delete the comment after I send you the book.)

Until next week, happy reading!


  1. Congratulations on finishing! Completing a draft is such a marvelous feeling. I'd love to help edit! My email is

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. Yep. Such a good feeling. The book should be in your inbox.


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