Monday Musings: Announcing The Robert C. O'Brien Read/Watch Marathon

Apparently, the classic sci-fi novel Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is getting another adaptation, this time as a live-action film. Hearing this news has solidified a nebulous idea I have been toying with: rereading and rewatching the original book and film in order to share my thoughts on both with you all.

Why? Because The Secret of NIMH was the first sci-fi/fantasy film I remember encountering as something new. I had seen Disney films, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones at home. They were staples of my childhood. But one night during a sleepover at my aunt's house, we watched The Secret of NIMH and I became enthralled. When I later discovered it was also a book, I checked it out from the school library. At the time, it was too long for me to finish in the initial checkout limit and it became the first book I had to renew. I remember staying up late in order to keep reading (this might have been my first up-later-than-is-advisable book as well). NIMH was part of what got me started on speculative fiction in all its shades of glory. So why not revisit it?

While I'm at it, why not (finally) read the other three novels O'Brien wrote? There are three of them: The Silver Crown, Z for Zachariah, and A Report from Group 17. I've bought them all over the years because when I like an author, I tend to do that, but I have yet to read them. Then there's the movie adaptation of Z for Zachariah. All of this comes together to make for a nice little read/watch (and reread/rewatch) marathon, although I doubt it will be a marathon in execution. It'll more likely be a series of hikes stretched out over several months.

I may also get around to the two sequels to NIMH that O'Brien's daughter wrote. I have one of them on hand, and the other should be easy to find if I look.

Care to join me as I work my way through Robert C. O'Brien's fiction? Have you read any of his books before? What did you think?

ICYMI: I visited Further Up and Further In last Wednesday to talk about how Albion Academy began and changed from inception to publication!


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