Link-Up with Fairy Tale Central

Hello, again! I have been plugging away on some projects (and crocheting away, as I'm due to have a new baby nephew this summer!) -- one of which is to finish a round of edits on Paper and Thorns. I hope to have some exciting news on that front in the next month or two, but for now we'll have to be satisfied talking about other fairy tales.

Today I'm participating in Fairy Tale Central's blog link-up. Fairy Tale Central is a website dedicated to fairy tales, including their origins, history, and retellings. Every month they feature a new tale, but in February they pull out all the stops and celebrate fairy tales of all kinds.

FTC: What’s an obscure fairy tale you love?

I always feel like "The Wild Swans" is a bit obscure since it's not one of the "big" tales that everyone knows thanks to Disney and the multitude of illustrated picture books that abound in the children's sections of bookstores.

FTC: If you got to choose Disney’s next animated princess movie, what fairy tale would you choose to be adapted?

Well, I wouldn't say no to a "Wild Swans" adaptation. Or maybe "Tam Lin" or "Puss in Boots."

FTC: What is the first fairy tale you remember hearing when you were a child?
Hmmm . . . I have very early memories of seeing Disney's Beauty and the Beast on VHS, and I can remember reading fairy tales like "Thumbelina" and "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" at my grandmother's house, but I can't remember hearing (or having been told) a specific fairy tale early on.

FTC: If you were to embark on a fairy tale quest, what necessities would you pack in your bag?
Rope, a flashlight or other light source, a map (assuming this is in a mappable realm), food, and some sort of weapon.

FTC: What’s your favorite fairy tale trope?
The love that redeems and transforms. The curse that must be broken.

FTC: If you could be any fairy tale character archetype (the princess, the soldier, fairy godmother, talking animal, mischievous imp, wise old woman, evil stepmother/sister, etc.), who would you want to be and why?
I would probably end up as some sort of wizard/fairy godfather/amusing sidekick type person. I like the idea of being this wise old person who helps people find their happy endings directly or indirectly.

FTC: What animal/mythical creature would be your sidekick for fairy tale adventures?
Either a dragon, a phoenix, or a talking owl. Because never underestimate the importance of having powerful and knowledgeable friends.

FTC: What is your favorite historical era, and what fairy tale would you love to see in that setting?
I have a hard time settling on one historical period because I don't often dive deeply into historical studies, but here are some periods that I think are fascinating in some fashion, along with a tale or two I'd love to see in those periods:
  • Victorian/Edwardian England (Bluebeard)
  • American Old West (Beauty and the Beast, Cupid and Psyche, Sleeping Beauty)
  • Feudal Japan (Rapunzel, Wild Swans, Snow White)
  • 1920s America (Pinocchio, Cinderella)
  • Napoleonic Wars (King Arthur, Mulan, Red Riding Hood)

FTC: If you could change a fairy tale’s villain into a hero, who would you choose and why?
I'd say the witch from "Hansel and Gretel" or Cinderella's stepmother, largely because I haven't seen either of those done satisfactorily yet, and I'd be curious to know what the other characters would do in response.
FTC: Do you prefer fairy tales with happy endings or sad/tragic endings? why or why not?
Definitely happy or at least bittersweet. I believe stories exist partially to kindle hope in the hearts of mankind, and that's difficult to do with sad endings.


  1. Thank you for joining in our tag! I so enjoyed reading your answers. Especially all your brilliant ideas for retellings in different eras. I mean, a Feudal Japan Rapunzel? I NEED THIS.

    The Wild Swans is one of my FAVORITE fairy tales too! I would loooove it if Disney did an adaptation of it. That would be AMAZING.

    This was great! Thanks again for joining in!

  2. Great line up of responses, Elijah David!
    The Wild Swans definitely kind of falls through the cracks... though it's always been a favorite of mine, too. The proactive sister is something we don't see a lot of in fairytales!

    Hmm... I wrote Old West style when I was first starting out... now you've made me considered combining it with the fairytale retelling, something I'd not thought of before!


  3. Great answers! I had a flashback of reading a Thumbelina picture book I had a kid when you mentioned your earliest memory of fairy tales. I really loved that book back then haha.

    Yes! Being a wizard/fairy godparent sounds like it'd be the role with the most fun (and helping people always feels good too).

    Aww I love all the historical periods you chose! But especially Feudal Japan!!


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