Watercolor Wednesday: AprilFae, 100 Myths, and More

I didn't get around to uploading more art last month, so here's the rest of the AprilFae pieces, along with some other projects I've had going in the last couple of weeks. The AprilFae pics got loaded all out of order, so I'm just going to tell you what the prompt was and what I was aiming for rather than which day it was for.

This one was "faerie fruit" and I thought an acorn was the most faerie fruit. I did a little postcard with an acorn, a pebble, and a dandelion seed.

This is a little trading card for "spellbound." I wanted to do something related to Sleeping Beauty, which led me to thorns, and somehow that led to a ring of thorns.

This is another postcard, this time for "harebells" (which are the flowers). I couldn't quite get the idea of an actual hare and an actual bell out of my head, so we wound up with this strange little picture:

These are two bookmarks, one for "goblin egg" and the other for "hidden foe."  I like the colors of the goblin egg a lot, but they washed out in the photo. The hidden foe character just sort of sprang up while I was sketching.

The day after hidden foe was "shadow" and I liked the black and white aesthetic so well I continued with it.

The last prompt of the month was "merry wanderer of the night" and I couldn't resist a chance to paint my favorite Fae: Robin Goodfellow. I finally feel like I'm getting a grasp on how his hair works in pictures. (This is definitely one of my favorite pieces from this challenge.)

This is a little postcard done for "fairy ring" and it even has a little snippet of the day's poem on it.

While I was digging through my yarn stash for other things, I came across the leftovers from my Newt Scamander scarf (check it out here). Since I was working on fingerless gloves anyway, I went ahead and made myself a pair to match the scarf.

This is one of the larger pieces I did for AprilFae: "The Mermaid's Call." That's a wolf on the cliff howling at the moon as it calls to the mermaid, who's calling to the wolf. Who says love triangles are boring?

Here's my sneaky little piece for "shapeshifter."

This is another of the large pieces. The prompt was "portal" and I've always associated trees and doorways with portals, so I painted both.

The prompt for this postcard was "a somber tune" and all I could think of was broken pan pipes. I couldn't get any of my sketches of the broken pipes to work, but I got this lovely sentiment out of the effort, so it was worth it.

Okay, here are the gloves that sparked me making my Newt gloves up above. I'm trying to build some inventory for some local craft fairs and bazaars at the end of the year. These are kids' gloves inspired by the TMNT. I'm currently working on matching hats.

I also whipped up a hat and scarf for my Mom in the same grey that's used in the Newt scarf and gloves. (She also got a pair of grey gloves but I forgot to snap a pic before I handed them to her.)

Here's the latest in the 100 Myths series: a dandelion spirit. I actually had him sketched out in March but didn't get around to doing the inked version till now. there are actually white gel pen tufts at the end of the seed stalks, but they're a bit hard to see in the picture.

Speaking of 100 Myths, this postcard is me working out the design for number 6 in the series, a person of the Toadstools. My headcanon is that this guy and the dandelion spirit are from opposing tribes but they're great friends anyway. Hopefully I'll have the fully inked version up in next month's art post. (The prompt for this one was "flora.")

The prompt for this guy was "five fathoms deep" and my poem for that day took on a The Creature from the Black Lagoon vibe, so I went that way with the painting.

The prompt for this one was "oracle," and since I was on the road for that day I took my mixed media sketchbook and watercolor pencils to help me keep up. This is the Oracle's Eye from Albion Academy (if you haven't read it, consider this a teaser).

The prompt for this piece was "the once underground" and yes, I have a bit of a thing for drawing/painting mushroom people, it seems. Go figure.

One of my other favorites from the month, this is Mab (or Mabh as she's called in the Albion books). I imagine this is in her youth before . . . well, before MASSIVE SPOILERS (for books I haven't written yet).

The prompt for this little postcard was "green children" which is apparently a reference to the Green Children of Woolpit, but I went in a little different direction and painted a childlike Green Man figure.

The prompt for this guy was "lantern" and I had a lot of fun drawing him out and getting him painted. (Getting all of these uploaded is reminding me just how much the colors wash out in pictures.)

And there you have it! What sort of artistic endeavors have you been working on lately?


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