Monday Musings: Survey Results and the Art Giveaway Winner!

The year-end survey is closed, and the results are in! Here are the questions from the survey, along with your collective answers.

Q: Which is your favorite monthly feature?

A: Most people seem to like all the features, with some preferring Top 10 Tuesday and Watercolor Wednesday.

Q: What is your least favorite monthly feature?

A: Most people don't have a least favorite!
Though some chose Saturday Snippets as their least favorite.

Q: What would you like to see more of on the blog?

A: Most people wanted to see more reviews (whether TV, movie, or book), with some wanting more art and some wanting more lists.

Q: What would you like to see less of on the blog?

A: Most people were happy with the current variety, though one person said they'd like to see less art and one said they'd like to see fewer lists.

Q: Have you read Albion Academy?

A: There was a 50/50 split in the respondents between those who have read the book and those who plan to.

Q: Are you subscribed to Inexhaustible Inspiration via email?

A: A 2:1 ratio between folks who check in regularly and those who subscribe. (If you aren't subscribed, but want to be, check out the box on the right-hand side of the page. You'll get a confirmation email; be sure to click the link in the confirmation email or the subscription won't activate.)

Q: How often do you read the blog posts at Inexhaustible Inspiration?

A: Most of you read everything I put up here, which is awesome. Thanks for sticking around!

Q: I'm going to be designing "100 Somethings" next year as part of my artistic endeavors. What "something" would you like to see?

A: This is inspired by Jake Parker's video below, in which he talks about a challenge he set for himself to design 100 "somethings" with a similar style or theme. I offered up several suggestions for what my "something" might be, and the results were a little mixed.

The most-voted-for option was mythical beings, followed closely by playing cards. After that came faeries, cartoon characters, monsters, and wizards (someone out there liked voting for everything, didn't they?) and there was 1 write-in vote for anime/manga characters.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to tell me or see on the blog (specific Top 10 lists, books/movies to review, etc.)?

A: One person said they'd like to see more manga and anime on the blog (and I need to read and watch more in those areas). Another suggested a Top 10 Webcomics list (which might be less of a top 10 and more of an "I've enjoyed these handful"). Someone else asked for a top holiday/seasonal movies list, which can definitely happen.

And finally, the winner(s) of the Albion-inspired art giveaway are . . .

plovercave and ransom.pendragon55 !!!! Since you two were the only ones who submitted yourselves for the giveaway, you BOTH get art!

I'll be getting in touch with you to figure out details.

Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey. You're the best! Tune back in on Thursday for a look at my top books from this year.

If you missed the chance to take the survey, feel free to leave answers to the questions in the comments.


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