The Path of Lucius Park Cover Reveal

When I finished my Master's degree in 2013, I had a collection of stories that formed my thesis. They represented the work of the previous two years, and I grew a great deal during that time, learning how I could push my characterizations and storytelling techniques in new directions with limited space. In the seven years since, I have seen about half of those stories published in anthologies, and I have written a few more in the same setting, largely to fill in gaps in the overarching story of the collection. Now, at last, I am bringing that collection to the world. On January 12, 2021, The Path of Lucius Park will be available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books-A-Million. It is currently available for preorder on Kindle . I'm very pleased with this collection, and with the cover below. It captures the stark but hopeful view of the world I was dealing with when I first began the stories inside. I hope you'll enjoy reading them. John Valley is a place of i...